Welcome to UltimateGameChair, or as our team likes to abbreviate it - UGC!
We hope you enjoy your stay. We try to deliver you well-researched, reader-friendly information slightly better than your usual site on gaming chairs.
That's not to say we limit ourselves to gamer-oriented furniture only, though. With time, we'll try to expand into not only other products for gamers, but also proper guides/Q&A segments to support the modern video game player.
Who are you?
The UGC team currently consists of three team members:
- Xander (Editor-in-chief)
- Steven (Content contributor)
- Venkat (IT support/maintenance/occasional cameraman)
We used to be 4, but Kevin left to search for other opportunities in the SaaS industry.
If you wonder who will be writing this particular About Us -- it's me, Xander, as I'm the major content contributor (~80%) on the site currently. Glad to meet you!
What products do you use? Do you have specific favorite brands?
We absolutely do! We rotate the products (and brands) we use, which helps us strive to be as objective as possible when reviewing gaming-related products.
We update our guides often, too. For example, you can check our current list of the best gaming chairs.
Obviously, different members of our team have different preferences.
As a quick example, Steven prefers to have the classic Logitech G9 mouse. Me, on the other hand? Give me my DeathAdder V2, spread over a nice spill-resistant Corsair pad:

Obviously, this continues on.
We're talking about the meat of the matter: computer gaming chairs!
As we've discussed in our reviews, we've tried quite a bit of them. Personally, I've been alternating between premium chairs like the Secret Titan and some knock-off racer-style chairs:
Steven and Venkat, though, stick to their own preferences.
Steven has been pretty fond of the Ikea Markus chair. I'd admit I tried it, but it didn't fit me well in the lumbar area.
Over the years, we've also tested a myriad of other gaming chair brands. Be it leading manufacturers or up-and-coming companies, we can assure you we have had a lot of seating experience, hehe.
Here are a few contestants from the past:

How do you structure your reviews?
Whenever we can, we handpick/test the products we write about. Whenever we cannot do this, we do rigorous research which includes manufacturer documentation, user feedback (gaming forums, YouTube, Amazon reviews and other communities) and sometimes we even visit local stores to try the chairs out for a short sitting session.
We believe this helps the UGC team achieve better guides and gaming chair/product reviews compared to a lot of other sites dedicated to this niche. Obviously, we have so much more to improve. Step by step we advance further, though. Or so we'd like to believe.
Can I advertise on UGC as a brand?
Certainly! We have had ebbs and flows in terms of traffic, but we still reach thousands of keen gamers every month. We are flexible in terms of advertising options and can create even custom campaigns suitable for your brand.
Generally, we do:
- Banner advertising on header/sidebar
- Email blasts
- Paid reviews
With paid reviews, you are paying for our time to conduct a review. We need a sample of your chair/desk or any related product to gaming to accurately review it. Keep in mind that giving us a sample does not equal a positive review. We aim for objectivity as it is the best interest of our readers.
Email us at Info(at)Ultimategamechair.com if you seek advertisements on our site.